lundi 28 janvier 2008


Yes Wax Attack got already one year !

All my thanks goes to those who supports regulary, and so, keeps alive the site; to all the hiphop lovers from 120 countries who comes frequently and download a bit of this great music crates.And for sure, to my 2 new contributors, Black Stars and Diaz, who keep the good work since one month.

I hope Wax Attack will continue years and years -in this jungle of wackness, at a period which hiphop rhyme with businessmen and nymphomaniac girls- always in the way of vinyl's diggin' and real rap from the nineties.

I will now accept all your re-up request, from all the posts i've been done, since one year.So don't hesitate peeps !



12 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Happy Birthday Brakk and thank you very much for all of the dope music and posts here is to another great year.


Stepin a dit…

Word up.
Peace et merci pour ce blog Brak

Anonyme a dit…

c kool brakkos
merci et bonne continuation


hiphopfanatik a dit…

WAOW 1 an déjà !!! so Happy Birthday Brakk' et longue vie à Wax Attack who keeps the vinyl alive word up !!


Anonyme a dit…

Big up to my man Brakk, Diaz, and Black Stars.
And happy Bday to wax attack.

Keep it real

Anonyme a dit…

Mad props goes to you brakk, Thanks for letting me add to this already dope blog... peace

knowledge a dit…

thanks for keeping this site alive, and for all the dope hip hop you've presented to me, one

// knowledge

olem1 a dit…

c'est cool que tu sois tjrs motivé pour nous régaler les oreilles avec tes galettes 4 étoiles, on s'était connu ya quelques années sur soulseek (noar974), jme souviens de ton incroyable collec', de ton débit pas tjrs ultra-rapide hihi et ton péché mignon pour les films un peu cochon huhuhu
Bonne continuation mec ;)

Brakkbacda a dit…

LOL olem1 c'est je n'ai pas changé ))) merci a toi et aux autres pour le soutien, vous assurez, merci.

Anonyme a dit…

happy birthday and keep it diggin!

Malboro a dit…

aieee happy birthday Brakoss sisi wax...!!! tinquiete c du lourd on va leur en metre plein les oreilles a c gens REALL HIP HOP HOMIE !!!

Anonyme a dit…

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